IGCSE Chemistry

Friday, March 29, 2019

2.27 describe the structure and function of the human alimentary canal, including the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine (duodenum and ileum), large intestine (colon and rectum) and pancreas

  • mechanical digestion takes place
  • food: turned to food bolus
  • amylase breaks starch into glucose
  • tube from mouth to stomach
  • where food bolus goes after swallowed
  • peristalsis takes places which pushes food down without gravity
  • food churned mechanically, enzymes break down chemically
  • Hydrochloric acid to increase enzyme activity
Duodenum (first part of small intestine)
  • food mixed with digestive enzymes and bile
Ileum (final part of small intestine)
  • digested food absorbed into blood
Colon (large intestine)
  • water in good is re-absorbed
Rectum (large intestine)
  • where feces are stored
Anus (large intestine)
  • where feces leave the alimentary canal
*pancreas: secrets pancreatic juice into the duodenum, is responsible for producing insulin and glucagon. (insulin allows cells to absorb glucose, glucagon triggers a release of glycogen from the liver)